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Welcome To Carmichael Church

At Carmichael Church you will discover a warm group of real people dedicated to following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. From the moment you walk up to the building you can expect a heartfelt greeting is part of what makes a church a church.

Service Times & Directions

People start gathering for fellowship around 9:30 for prayer, coffee and to sit in on worship practice. No matter what question you might have just ask. Our greeters are there to help you get settled.

  • Sunday 9:30am, 11:00am
  • Saturday 6:30pm
  • Wednesday 6:30pm


What to Expect

Biblical Teaching
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Get Connected

We’re glad you’re here and want to help you connect, find a small group, and get to events for you and/ or your family.

Get Started


Learn together

None of us were meant to do this alone, and we all learn better when we learn from one another. Here are some of the groups where you can study God's Word while also building relationships with others.

Sunday School

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When: Sundays, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Summer 2022 Classes:
  • The Gospel Project: From Kingdom to Division
  • Where: Fellowship Hall

Men's Bible Study

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When: Saturdays, 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM

We meet at USA Family Restaurant (Reynolds) for breakfast and time in the Word. Bacon and the Bible—two things every guy needs more of!

Women's Bible Study

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When: Mondays, 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Meet at the parsonage for some girl time in the Word! We are currently not meeting for summer break.

Save The Date

Don't miss out!

Kids Beach Day 

first Saturday of July

More details coming soon
