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Adult Ministries

Adult Ministries

We believe every person is created with a need for community, and that every Christian has a role to play in growing and strengthening the church. We see success in ministry as...

  • Every person growing in relationship with others
  • Every person growing in knowledge of the Word
  • Every person discovering and using their gifts in service

Check out some of our opportunities for you to grow, learn, and serve!

Learn together

None of us were meant to do this alone, and we all learn better when we learn from one another. Here are some of the groups where you can study God's Word while also building relationships with others.

Sunday School

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When: Sundays, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Summer 2022 Classes:
  • The Gospel Project: From Kingdom to Division
  • Where: Fellowship Hall

Men's Bible Study

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When: Saturdays, 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM

We meet at USA Family Restaurant (Reynolds) for breakfast and time in the Word. Bacon and the Bible—two things every guy needs more of!

Women's Bible Study

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When: Mondays, 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Meet at the parsonage for some girl time in the Word! We are currently not meeting for summer break.

Oasis Groups

Sometimes life is like a desert, and Sunday morning just isn't enough to get us through the next six days. Oasis Groups are a way to get a drink of water in the middle of that desert.
Oasis Groups are small groups that meet together in one another's homes (weekly or bi-weekly) to grow into more faithful disciples of Jesus. These groups are designed to offer:
  • Spiritual refreshment
  • Deep relationships
  • Concrete application
Are you ready to be refreshed as you go deeper in your walk with Christ and explore what following Him looks like on a day-to-day basis? Contact us to learn more about these groups and find out how to join!