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Who We Are

Who We Are

The Story of Chalmers Community Church

In 1930, two local churches, one Presbyterian, one Methodist, chose to leave their denominations and come together as one body, which took the name Chalmers Community Church. This decision was motivated by love for Christ and for our community, and a desire to promote unity and cooperation within the body of Christ. As stated in the preamble to our church constitution:

"In the belief that the Kingdom of God can be more speedily advanced

and the Spiritual needs of Chalmers and its vicinity can best be served by uniting Christian believers in their worship, fellowship, and Christian work, this church is founded."

Our church began to gather in our current building in 1954. Since then, we have continued to grow in the knowledge of Christ's love, and to share that love with our community in concrete and practical ways. From its inception, the purpose of this church has been clear:

  • To worship God
  • To build up the saints
  • To spread the good news
  • To minister to the needs of others in the name of Jesus

Together, we are an eclectic group who care for one another like family. Some have been in this church for generations, others are just getting settled in, but all of us have found a home, learning and living the love of Jesus.

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What We Believe

Who we are flows from what we believe. From the start, our church has been defined by a commitment to the central truths of the Christian faith, and to celebrating the diversity of the church outside these fundamental truths. We are united in our belief in:

  • The triune God
  • The authority of the Bible
  • The human need for salvation through faith in Jesus

Learn more about what we believe by reading our full statement of faith.

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What We Do

Who we are is expressed by what we do. We love to learn, serve, and just spend time together as a church. Wherever you are in life, and wherever you are in your faith journey, there is a place here for you. Some areas where we seek to grow and serve together include:

Or check out our full church calendar for all of our upcoming ministry events! 

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